Theaflavin-related scientific studies (1)

Theaflavin [26]is the major polyphenolic active ingredient of fermented black tea, which exhibits diverse biological activities of antitumor, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-cardiovascular diseases . On the one hand, the ions inside and outside the cell normally maintain a state of equilibrium, the broken balance of them would bring the increasement of inward calcium ion (intracellular calcium overload), leading to arrhythmia (Table 1) [136]. Theaflavin could protect cardiomyocytes by inhibiting the voltage gate-controlled calcium inflow. On the other hand, theaflavin could remove the free radicals in the body, enhance the antioxidant capacity of the heart muscle, and play a role in protecting the heart muscle cells [137]. Theaflavin (10 μM, 20 μM and 40 μM) can reduce the fluorescence intensity of Ca2+ in isolated rat ventricular myocytes in a concentration-dependent manner to provide Ca2+ in −13.4%, −18.7% and − 22.1%. Moreover, theaflavin (20 μM) can inhibit the Ca2+ increasement caused by ryanodine, reduce the frequency and duration of calcium overload-induced calcium wave.


Reference:Natural products as the calcium channel blockers for the treatment of arrhythmia: Advance and prospect